Resources & Reports
Common Greenhouse Gas Accounting Framework
- The AFPA, in conjunction with Sustenance Asia, has created a Common Greenhouse Gas Accounting Framework (the Framework) for the Australian fresh produce industry.
- This Framework covers nine (9) key components of GHG accounting. Each of these components requires a business decision, which could be made in isolation by each individual fresh produce business. Against each of these nine components, the members of the AFPA have agreed to a collective approach. This means that all AFPA members have agreed to record and account their emissions using the same methodology. This Framework is available for all fresh produce businesses to support GHG Accounting requirements:
Reports commissioned by the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance:
- The economic contribution of the Tasmanian fresh produce sector
This report shows the overall value of the Tasmanian fresh produce industry is more than $458 million – with the size of the industry being under reported by official statistics due to the rapid growth in production. Importantly, the fresh produce industry provides $336 million value adding to the Tasmanian economy, creating jobs and wealth for all Tasmanians. Download key facts Download the full report
AFPA has commissioned consumer research utilising qualitative in-home depth interviews to understand fresh produce and packaging. The research involves 38 in depth face to face one-on-one interviews at home with the main decision maker for purchasing fresh produce. Download the full report
- The role of packaging for Australian fresh produce
Links to tools developed and commissioned by the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance:
The Packaging Materials Selector provides an overview of fresh produce packaging materials to assist industry in selecting and designing sustainable packaging materials.
The Packaging Materials Guide is a long form version of the Materials Selector tool. This Guide provides greater explanation of packaging material types and more information on sustainable packaging design.
Industry Data
Members of the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance provide data to assist in industry advocacy
Employment in the fresh produce industry:
Australian Fresh Produce Alliance members employ in excess of 22,000 people across more than 100 different production locations. The Alliance also has a significant grower supplier network responsible for the employment of more than 25,000 additional people. According to ABS data, Australian horticulture employs 72,800 people across 11,490 businesses.
AFPA employment data is available to download here.
1Data provided by members of the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance at April 2019 2Other category refers to employees who hold other visa types including New Zealand citizens and students 3Data converted to FTEs based on following employment lengths converted to 12 months employment; Citizens: 12 months, SWP: 9 months; WHM: 3 months; Other: 2.5